#ShahAlamFitChallenge Season 2: My Coachee Bolot 3 Kategori Terus!!

Repost dari insta kak Nurun, sangat bangga dengan pencapaian dia, Alhamdulillah..

Sebenarnya saya spam ig kak Fafau HotFm serta beberapa artis lagi tak silap dengan ayat mencari peserta #fitchallengeshahalam atau #kurussebelumraya. Dari situ dah dapat beberapa nama yang berminat dan kak Nurun ni, seorang Jururawat; siap bawak kawan2 lagi join! Setelah itu saya serahkan Kak Nurun kepada jagaan Coach sy, Fit Coach Ain Nazam. Dialah yang jaga dan pantau kak Nurun serta banyak bagi sokongan moral. Sebabnya saya jauh di Kajang, selalu habis kerja jam 8 malam..stockbroking firm katakan..dalam keadaan takada kereta ni komuter je lah transportation saya. nak sampai ke sana ambil masa dua jam pulak tu!huhu..

Ain selalu bagitau saya betapa positifnya sikap kak Nurun untuk ubah kesihatan dan berat beliau. Walaupun kak Nurun pengguna produk S tapi kami tak paksa kak Nurun tukar produk pun, dah jumpa baru tau dia pengguna produk tersebut. Konsep kami adalah ‘fitclub’; untuk bersenam, bukan menjual produk kami..pemakanan adalah pilihan masing2 dan kerana setiap produk ada kelebihan tersendiri. Sepupu dan rakan baik saya juga adalah pengedar produk tersebut ye. so hate em not!

Alhamdulillah dua minggu lepas menyertai, kak nurun membuat keputusan untuk mula menggunakan nutrisi herbalife Formula 1 Shake perisa Coklat- TANPA PAKSAAN, TANPA PERLU KAMI MERENDAHKAN PRODUK S tersebut. 

Satu hari saya hubungi kak nurun mengucapkan tahniah dan dengan bersemangat dia bercerita kesan produk terhadap beliau. Tambahan pulak di bulan Ramadan. dua minggu pertama tanpa produk, dua minggu seterusnya dengan produk. Apa yang berlaku ialah kak Nurun tersangat sangat sangat sangat lah excited bercerita tentang tenaga, kekenyangan, keringanan, dan kecepatan turun berat dengan produk! kak Nurun turut menambah betapa seronoknya bersama team kami bersenam dan fun fit sama2!

Alhamdulillah.. ^_^

Sorry but thanks kak therealfafau. sebab sy spam ig beliaw maka sy dpat bantu sorg hamba Allah nak trun beratvdengan bantuan coach n awesomeness team. Alhamdulillah sebb raya ni sy tak keseorangan badan baru,my proud coachee pon! pemenang 3 kategori – weight loss, fat loss, muscle gain!!! Allahu..touching sgt ngan kakak misi ni. serius nak ubah kehidupan,nk sihat n yg penting sgt have fun dengan team#back2shape #shahalamfitchallenge!! tq my coach. ain sbb train dia.

eekanashihah “Alhamdulillah! Alhamdulillah! Alhamdulillah! Ni hadiah raya utk mak dgn bapak. Selalu yg cheq dok cakap malam-malam gi clubbing tu ni la bendanya. Gi kelab nutrisi sebenarnya. Doakan istiqamah please.. :’) #healthylifestyle#sayNOtoubatkurus” via PhotoRepost_app

#kurussebelumraya #jomkurus #nakkurus

Jadi, anda2 yang teringin mempunyai badan yang sihat, aktif lagi bertenaga, dan menghilangkan lemaks2 terkumpul masa beraya, sertai #shahalamfitchallenge kami dengan tema #musimraya !!!

Workout smarter, not harder
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Shah Alam Fit Coaches team Back2Shape.

We lost weight, we lost fat, we gain muscle, we are healthier, we are energetic and we WILL help you!!

01123772476 NOW!

5 Reasons “Thin” Doesn’t Mean “Healthy”

5 Reasons Thin Doesn't Mean Healthy

I had a conversation the other day that stuck with me long after it was over.

After listening to a colleague detail his busy schedule, from four kids to a full time job and master’s program, I was curious. My instant and honest response was to ask how he had time to work out. After all, I wondered, how could he deal with the stress of his life and keep his energy levels up if he didn’t make time to move his body regularly?

His answer came after an awkward laugh. “I don’t, really.”

He then explained why he figured he was healthy enough, even though he doesn’t work out. A year ago, his doctor had instructed him to lose 5 pounds. He did a crash workout plan for a few months and lost 10 pounds. He was relatively slim and had lost the extra weight—so, he reasoned, that means he’s healthy.

Unfortunately, my colleague’s misconceptions are pretty normal. Many people think that the way you look (thin, heavy) reflects how healthy you are. As someone passionate about health and fitness, I knew his logic just doesn’t work. To be healthy, exercise must be part of a lifestyle built around wellness.


 “Healthy” Is About More than Body Size

Aside from eating a healthy diet, working out is the most important thing a person can do to prevent disease and increase quality of life. As the executive editor of HealthIsWealth.net, I’m lucky to be exposed to information and research showing just what a healthy lifestyle includes—not to mention that I have the opportunity to learn directly from great minds like Dr. Myers and Dr. Ignarro.

I saw Dr. Myers a few days later after that conversation and brought up the discussion, knowing he’d have some sound reasoning behind why “thin” and “healthy” are not synonymous terms.

“The idea is that a person needs to get healthy, not just that they need to lose weight,” Dr. Myers explained. “Being healthy and losing weight aren’t exactly the same. A healthy lifestyle is about changing your habits for a lifetime. The motivation was good—but it didn’t lead to a lifetime change in this person’s approach to how he’s going to treat his health.”

Being overweight is a top risk factor for a number of conditions, including cancer, diabetes,heart disease, and many other conditions. But just because a person isn’t overweight, that doesn’t mean she’s healthy. Here are five reasons why.


#1 Being “skinny fat” can be dangerous. Some people have genes that allow them to eat whatever they want, rarely exercise, and yet remain thin. But research shows that some people who appear thin can be metabolically obese, making them just as at risk for disease as people who are visibly overweight. Similarly, some people who have extra pounds can be healthy.


#2 All calories are not the same. Many people believe that all calories are created equal. Yet processed foods often contain high levels of sugar and saturated and trans fats, which the body stores as visceral fat, a type of fat that increases the risk for diabetes, heart disease, stroke and other medical conditions.


#3 BMI is not the best measure of health. Doctors often assess body mass index (BMI), a weight-to-height ratio used to determine if someone is overweight. However, the test doesn’t distinguish between lean tissue and fat. For example, I weigh close to the same amount now as I did several years ago when I was less active. But I look and feel much fitter because my weight is now made up of more lean muscle mass. Body fat percentage or body composition (the percentages of fat, bone, water and muscle) is a better measure of health.


#4 Thin people don’t tend to consider themselves unhealthy. Like my colleague, many people who appear thin and healthy, even if they are metabolically obese, may be less likely to get routine screenings or regular checkups.Because of this, they may have a number of risk factors they aren’t aware of. They may also be less motivated to exercise or eat well because a fast metabolism will keep them from gaining weight.


#5 Living vitally isn’t about weight. High energy levels, disease prevention, reduced stress, feeling rested and balanced, good relationships—these are the things vital lives are made of. By focusing just on weight as a measure of wellness, you may miss out on all that a healthy lifestyle has to offer.


I’d love to see our society’s perception of health shift. It’s not about how much you weigh but rather how you live—all of the pieces and parts of healthy living, working together synergistically. Perhaps if we can shift our thinking to see the benefits of health beyond appearance and other superficial methods of measuring wellness, we’ll begin to embrace the wonderful benefits of vital living.


What do you do to live vitally?


Stacy Ennis_croppedStacy Ennis is the editor of HealthIsWealth.net and a writer specializing in health, nutrition, exercise and disease prevention. Follow her on Twitter: @stacyennis


Mengantuk Siang Hari Berisiko Sakit Jantung

GANGGUAN tidur dikaitkan dengan penyakit kardiovaskular.


SERING mengantuk pada waktu siang dikaitkan dengan gangguan kesihatan yang mampu meningkatkan risiko serangan jantung dan strok khususnya dalam kalangan wanita.

Menurut data penyelidikan, para penyelidik menghubungkan rasa mengantuk pada siang hari dengan penyakit kardiovaskular.

“Tidur yang kurang, bekerja secara syif dan berdengkur ketika tidur adalah antara punca seseorang mudah mengantuk pada waktu siang. Gangguan berkenaan menyumbang kepada risiko strok dan penyakit jantung,” kata ketua penyelidik, James E. Gangwisch.

Penyelidikan tersebut dijalankan ke atas 84,000 wanita di Amerika Syarikat yang mengikuti Kajian Kesihatan Kejururawatan II antara tahun 2001 hingga 2009.

Dalam kajian itu, penyelidik memantau perkembangan responden termasuk penggunaan aspirin, penyakit kencing manis dan tekanan darah tinggi setiap dua tahun sekali sehingga tahun 2009.

Pada akhir ujian, seramai 500 wanita didiagnosis dengan penyakit jantung dan strok.

“Sebanyak 5 peratus wanita yang sering mengadu mengantuk berisiko lima kali ganda lebih tinggi untuk menghidap penyakit jantung berbanding mereka yang tidak berasa mengantuk.

“Mereka juga cenderung menjadi murung, mengalami gangguan tidur, menghidap penyakit kencing manis, darah tinggi dan mempunyai paras kolesterol yang tinggi,” jelas Gangwisch.

Artikel Penuh: http://www.kosmo.com.my/kosmo/content.asp?y=2014&dt=0504&pub=Kosmo&sec=Kesihatan&pg=ke_02.htm#ixzz31T7Rkc8N
Hakcipta terpelihara 


Jadi, penyelesaiannya bagaimana?

Sebagai gadis berkerjaya yang mempunya waktu kerja yang amat teruknya, Syif: (8am-6pm) (9am-8pm), saya menjaga kesihatan jantung dan tenaga saya dengan barisan nutrisi luarbiasa Herbalife.

Omega 3Fish Oil


Formula 1

berminat? hubungi Jurulatih Peribadi anda sekarang!

Coach Adilah





Press Release : Herbalife Comments on ABC News Report Exposing More of Bill Ackman’s Undisclosed Financial Arrangements


LOS ANGELES–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Herbalife (NYSE:HLF), a leading global nutrition company, today issued the following statement regarding a recent report fromABC News:

ABC News has revealed new information regarding Bill Ackman’s, Founder and CEO of Pershing Square Capital, unprecedented $1 billion campaign to manipulate Herbalife’s stock to the detriment of Herbalife’s shareholders, customers and employees. Mr. Ackman’s campaign, part of which was uncovered byABC News, is losing its credibility with each passing day.

The previously unreported information includes confirmation that Mr. Ackman has spent more than $20 million to date on his campaign. This includes a contractual arrangement to pay an individual up to $3.6 million over 10 years to make accusations against Herbalife, in addition to Mr. Ackman’s agreement to pay the individual’s legal fees and arrange his public relations efforts. Importantly, when the individual was on ABC News – an interview that Mr. Ackman’s PR team helped to arrange – he failed to disclose the existence of his contract with Ackman and, in fact, the contract itself contains a confidentiality clause.
The payments are only one part of a calculated, coordinated and well-funded effort by Mr. Ackman and his agents to offer secret, undisclosed payments to individuals and organizations to bring false and misleading charges against Herbalife.

The ABC News story raises a number of important questions that Mr. Ackman should answer fully and honestly:

  • How has Mr. Ackman spent the $20 million?
  • Who else has Mr. Ackman or his team of agents and consultants made payments to, directly or indirectly, or made future contingency payment offers to?
  • Did Mr. Ackman disclose his financial inducement with these individuals when lobbying state and federal regulators and lawmakers?

Herbalife also commented:

Herbalife’s ‘Gold Standard’ consumer-protection rules not only meet, but in most cases exceed the standards prescribed by the Direct Selling Association (DSA), of which the Company is a long-time member in good standing.

We provide clear, accurate and timely disclosures to prospective members regarding potential income in our Statement of Average Gross Compensation. Studies have revealed that the vast majority of Herbalife members have realistic expectations of the business opportunity and the effort required to succeed at all levels.

Additionally, as noted in the ABC News report, Herbalife is explicit with its members that “products are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease or medical condition, and under no circumstances should there be any statements, advertising or implications to the contrary.”

Enforcement of the rules of conduct is a top priority at Herbalife, and we investigate and take all claims seriously. The Company has a compliance team of more than 300 people worldwide that monitors members’ activity and enforce Herbalife’s rules. Our compliance operation includes secret shoppers who investigate compliance on the ground, web-monitoring companies to track internet-based compliance and several customer feedback channels.

Herbalife remains focused on operating its business, producing the finest nutrition products, and generating strong financial results. The Company’s ongoing ability to do so is further testament to the integrity of the Company’s business model and the value of its product.

A link to the ABC News story can be found at abcnews.go.com or http://abcnews.go.com/Blotter/bill-ackmans-secret-deal-herbalife-whistleblower/story?id=23415501

A copy of Mr. Ackman’s agreement can be found via ABC News at: http://abcnews.go.com/images/Blotter/agreement_redacted2.pdf

About Herbalife Ltd.

Herbalife Ltd. (NYSE:HLF) is a global nutrition company that sells weight-management, nutrition and personal care products intended to support a healthy lifestyle.Herbalife products are sold in more than 90 countries to and through a network of independent members. The Company supports the Herbalife Family Foundationand its Casa Herbalife program to help bring good nutrition to children. Herbalife’s website contains a significant amount of financial and other information about the company at http://ir.Herbalife.com. The company encourages investors to visit its website from time to time, as information is updated and new information is posted.


Although we believe that the expectations reflected in any of our forward-looking statements are reasonable, actual results could differ materially from those projected or assumed in any of our forward-looking statements. Our future financial condition and results of operations, as well as any forward-looking statements, are subject to change and to inherent risks and uncertainties, such as those disclosed or incorporated by reference in our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Important factors that could cause our actual results, performance and achievements, or industry results to differ materially from estimates or projections contained in our forward-looking statements include, among others, the following:

  • any collateral impact resulting from the ongoing worldwide financial environment, including the availability of liquidity to us, our customers and our suppliers or the willingness of our customers to purchase products in a difficult economic environment;
  • our relationship with, and our ability to influence the actions of, our Members;
  • improper action by our employees or Members in violation of applicable law;
  • adverse publicity associated with our products or network marketing organization, including our ability to comfort the marketplace and regulators regarding our compliance with applicable laws;
  • the outcome of inquiries from regulatory authorities;
  • changing consumer preferences and demands;
  • our reliance upon, or the loss or departure of any member of, our senior management team which could negatively impact our Member relations and operating results;
  • the competitive nature of our business;
  • regulatory matters governing our products, including potential governmental or regulatory actions concerning the safety or efficacy of our products and network marketing program, including the direct selling market in which we operate;
  • legal challenges to our network marketing program;
  • risks associated with operating internationally and the effect of economic factors, including foreign exchange, inflation, disruptions or conflicts with our third party importers, pricing and currency devaluation risks, especially in countries such as Venezuela;
  • uncertainties relating to the application of transfer pricing, duties, value added taxes, and other tax regulations, and changes thereto;
  • uncertainties relating to interpretation and enforcement of legislation in China governing direct selling;
  • uncertainties relating to the interpretation, enforcement or amendment of legislation in India governing direct selling;
  • our inability to obtain the necessary licenses to expand our direct selling business in China;
  • adverse changes in the Chinese economy, Chinese legal system or Chinese governmental policies;
  • our dependence on increased penetration of existing markets;
  • contractual limitations on our ability to expand our business;
  • our reliance on our information technology infrastructure and outside manufacturers;
  • the sufficiency of trademarks and other intellectual property rights;
  • product concentration;
  • changes in tax laws, treaties or regulations, or their interpretation;
  • taxation relating to our Members;
  • product liability claims;
  • whether we will purchase any of our shares in the open markets or otherwise; and
  • share price volatility related to, among other things, speculative trading and certain traders shorting our common shares.

We do not undertake any obligation to update or release any revisions to any forward-looking statement or to report any events or circumstances after the date hereof or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events, except as required by law.

Herbalife Ltd.
Barbara Henderson, 213-745-0517
SVP, Worldwide Corp. Communications
Amy Greene, 213-745-0474
VP, Investor Relations

Source: Herbalife Ltd.

News Provided by Acquire Media

Bagaimana Herbalife Membantu Penyakit Kardiovaskular.

NW Formula: Formulated by Nobel Laureatte in Medicine 1998, Dr Louis Ignarro. Text 01123772476 to get this spectacular product

Apa itu penyakit kardiovaskular?

Penyakit jantung ialah istilah luas yang digunakan untuk menerangkan bermacam-macam penyakit yang menjejaskan jantung dan salur darah seseorang. Istilah “penyakit jantung” kerap digunakan bertukar ganti dengan “penyakit kardiovaskular”.
Penyakit kardiovaskular merupakan sebab utama kematian di seluruh dunia dan ia merujuk kepada gangguan salur darah yang membekalkan darah ke jantung dan bahagian-bahagian penting tubuh yang lain seperti otak, buah pinggang, mata, tangan dan kaki.

Pengesanan awal risiko-risiko kardiovaskular membantu mengurangkan penderitaan akibat penyakit jantung dan mencegah komplikasi-komplikasinya seperti kegagalan jantung, serangan jantung, angin ahmar, penyakit buah pinggang dan penyakit arteri periferi melalui rawatan awal.

Penyakit kardiovaskular ialah proses yang bermula dengan kerosakan kepada tubuh akibat faktor-faktor gaya hidup seperti merokok, tiadanya kegiatan fizikal dan diet yang tidak sihat.

Kerosakan ini akan berkembang menjadi penyakit berisiko tinggi seperti kegemukkan, tekanan darah tinggi, kencing manis dan paras lipid tinggi. Jika ia terus dibiarkan tanpa ditangani, penyakit-penyakit ini seterusnya akan berkembang menjadi penyakit vaskular yang akan mengakibatkan kerosakan dan kegagalan pelbagai organ dan akhirnya kematian.

Apakah faktor risiko penyakit ini?


Siapa yang berisiko mendapat penyakit ini?

Pesakit yang menghidap kencing manis, tekanan darah tinggi, mempunyai masalah kegemukkan yang berlebihan dan penyakit buah pinggang berlarutan mempunyai risiko yang lebih tinggi untuk mendapat penyakit kardiovaskular.

TETAPI, bagi individu yang berisiko tetapi tidak mempunyai simptom penyakit kardiovaskula, adalah dinasihatkan nasihat agar membuat beberapa perubahan kepada gaya hidup bagi meningkatkan kesihatan jantung mereka. Perubahan-perubahan ini termasuklah mengurangkan merokok, makan makanan yang sihat dan kerap bersenam. Jika sesuai, pesakit juga akan diberikan ubat untuk merawat tekanan darah tinggi, paras lipid tinggi dan kencing manis. Individu yang berisiko rendah harus terus mengamalkan gaya hidup yang sihat.

Maka, marilah kita jalani HIDUP GAYA HIDUP SIHAT dgn mengamalkan ciri-ciri di bawah:

Pemakanan sihat
Kekalkan berat badan yang sihat
Selalu libatkan diri dlm kegiatan fizikal
Kurangkan/tidak merokok
Pastikan tahap kolestrol anda terkawal
Pastikan tekanan darah anda terkawal
Pastikan paras gula dalam darahl anda terkawal
Ambil ubat anda secara tetap
Sila jalani pemantauan tetap jika anda mempunyai masalah perubatan kronik…

Persoalannya, bagaimana HEBALIFE NITEWORKS boleh membantu?

Herbalife Niteworks dicipta berdasarkan kajian selama 40 tahun dalam Nitric Oxide (N.O) dan telah dihasilkan oleh Dr.Louis Ignarro (saintis Herbalife & pemenang Nobel Laurrette in Medicine 1998).

Apa itu N.O?

Nitrik Oksida (NO) dilepaskan di dalam endothelium dalam salur darah untuk memberi isyarat agar salur darah berada dalam keadaan rehat dan mudah lentur (elastic) dan meningkatkan aliran darah ke jantung. Ia secara semula jadi yang dihasilkan oleh tubuh manusia, walaupun dalam kuantiti yang kecil, pecahan asid amino.

Manfaat utama dan tugas nitrik oksida..

Mengatur peredaran darah dan menetapkan aktiviti otak, paru-paru, hati, perut dan organ-organ lain.
Membantu tekanan darah, melebarkan pembuluh darah boleh menyebabkan ereksi zakar dan digunakan oleh sistem kekebalan tubuh untuk melawan virus, bakteria dan parasit infections.

Kemampuannya untuk mengurangkan keradangan membantu otot yang terdedah kepada stresses.
HEBALIFE NITEWORKS telah digabungkan bersama dengan L-Arginine dan L-Citrulline utk membantu merangsang pengahasilan Nitrik Oksida.

Kebaikan gabungan L-Arginina dan L-Citrulline

L-arginina adalah asid amino yang membantu badan menghasilkan nirik oksida.

Menambahkan dengan L-arginina, peringkat nirik oksida adalah pada tahap yang optimum, dan jantung tidak kerja keras untuk mengepam darah ke seluruh tubuh, dan kami mendapat manfaat daripada stamina yang lebih baik, tenaga dan prestasi seksual.

L-citrullina memberi manfaat kepada sistem yang memudahkan pengeluaran L-arginina, kerana ia ditukar kepada L-arginina.

L-Citrulline membantu menyelesaikan masalah penyerapan nutrisi oleh badan, peningkatan L-arginina(melalui proses penukaran atau proses sintesis), di mana dan bila diperlukan.


Mengandungi sebatian proprietari L-Arginina dan L-Citrulline untuk membantu merangsang tahap penghasilan Nitrik Oksida.

Membantu menjaga agar tona saluran darah, fleksibel dan muda untuk peredaran darah yang lebih baik.

Membantu meningkatkan pengaliran darah, fungsi yang menyokong jantung, otak dan organ2 lain.
Membantu menyokong tahap tekanan darah sihat yang berada dalam jumlah yang normal.

HUBUNGI SAYA 01123772476

Herbalife Extravaganza Singapore part 1: Excited!!!



Sebab May nanti saya nak pergi oversea for the very first time!

Waah semakin banyak journey saya dengan Herbalife ya.

Ok, seperti tajuk, saya akan ke negara seberang tambak je, Singapura untuk event sangat2 gempak bernama EXTRAVAGANZA. Ia adalah salah satu event bisnes n kepimpinan Herbalife. Tapi kan, its not just about that. The Journey is what makes it happening!Yes kami pergi untuk belajar dan mantapkan bisnes kami. Kami pergi untuk belajar dengan greaaaat leaders of Herbalife worldwide. Kat Malaysia sy dah pergi HOM, STS, Zero To Hero, n the biggest was Spektakular. Last year saya pergi Spektakular dihadiri 15000 orang ++ k! itu HANYA dr Malaysia sahaja wpun ade jgak Herbalifer Indon, Singapore, Brunei dll datang termasukla Presiden Team Perancis Eric Depp, hubby of Kak Nurul Wahab (President also!). di extravaganza officially 10 negara APAC akan datang. ohemgee. tak saba tak saba tak saba!!! So siapa je bole pegi?

This is the early announcement from herbalife , qualification & agenda 


Penah tengok mob dance tak? yang orang ramai2 menari serentak. haa kami pulak akan ber mob fitnesss pagi sabtu n ahad tu..huiyyo..best2. Kawal emosi je ni sebab eksitedness.


Sape nak pegi? jom!


No 1 Meal Replacement in Korea



  • Meal replacement products are expected to record a 46% current value increase to reach Won597.8 billion in 2012. Consumers’ desire for beauty and slimming down led to strong growth of the market. Direct selling companies showed a strong presence meal replacement, and Herbalife Korea continued dominating the market throughout the review period. According to the Fair Trade Commission, Herbalife Korea had the most sales from its meal replace meal slimming product Herbalife Nutritional Shake Mix Cookies flavour in 2011 and 2012. As the company runs a weight management programme as well as sponsors celebrities, its meal replacement products continue expanding value share in South Korea.


  • Whilst direct selling companies dominate meal replacement in South Korea, Herbalife Korea is expected to account for a 92% value share in meal replacement in 2012. The company runs a weight management programme using its meal replacement products including Herbalife Nutritional Shake Mix. Also, the company actively promotes such products by sponsoring famous celebrities and by providing trial products to consumers who are willing to share their changes online after they consume Herbalife meal replacement products. As people share how much weight they were able to lose with photos and videos on the internet, potential consumers are easily convinced and this leads to their purchasing the company’s products. With such marketing activities, Herbalife is expected to continue dominating meal replacement in South Korea in 2012 and in the foreseeable future.


U-KISS famous Kpop group
  • Over the forecast period, constant value sales of meal replacement products are expected to grow at a CAGR of 6%. As the number of households with one or two persons is growing, the demand for meal replacement products is expected to increase. Also, meal replacement slimming products are likely to attract consumers due to offering a convenient way to lose weight whilst more people are suffering from obesity caused by westernised diets. To cater such needs, major manufacturers including Herbalife and Nu Skin are expected to launch various meal replacement products with new ingredients and functions.
some famous celebrities in Korea who takes Herbalife are



The Science Behind Omega-3s and Your Heart

Author: Dr Lou Ignarro, Nutrition Advisory Board Herbalife International


Omega-3s are a constant topic in the wellness field, and for good reason. Omega-3 fatty acids are a form of polyunsaturated fat that the body derives from food and cannot be made in the body. The three main Omega-3 fatty acids are alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). ALA comes from plants. EPA and DHA come from fish, krill and algal (vegan) sources. DHA may also be available in certain fortified foods (eggs, milk).

Why are these essential fatty acids so good for your heart? In 2004, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved a qualified health claim for Omega-3 fatty acids and reduced risk of coronary heart disease for conventional foods and dietary supplements that contain EPA and DHA Omega-3 fatty acids and meet other requirements laid out by the FDA.omega

The benefit of Omega-3 fatty acids in coronary heart disease first became known through research into the health of Greenland Eskimos who consumed diets high in Omega-3 fatty acids from fish. Additional studies also showed that consuming large quantities of highly polyunsaturated fatty acids, EPA and DHA, which are abundant in fish, has coronary heart benefit. This may be through maintaining cholesterol and triglyceride levels already within a normal range.
If you are allergic to fish or dairy, supplementing your diet with a dietary supplement product containing Omega-3 fatty acids may help support your heart health. Supportive but not conclusive research shows that consumption of EPA and DHA Omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. One serving of Herbalifeline® provides 322 mg of EPA and DHA Omega-3 fatty acids.

As you can see, there is good reason for the Omega-3 hype. It’s just that the story goes much deeper than you might have guessed.
Share your tips below! How do you make sure you’re getting enough Omega-3 fatty acids?


Dr. Lou Ignarro is a research pharmacologist who was the 1998 Nobel laureate for his research into Nitric Oxide (NO). He’s spent more than 40 years as a research scientist and is known as perhaps the world’s leading authority on nutritional approaches to cardiac wellness. He blogs on topics related to heart health, with an educational focus on the science behind nutrition and exercise.

*The Nobel Foundation has no affiliation with Herbalife and does not review, approve or endorse Herbalife products.